Sunday, February 22, 2009 I work at an Animal Hospital. So...of course I love animals!!!! I wanted to share a little bit about my own animals. :) And...I posted a few pics, so you would have faces with the names. First...there's "Mama Cat". She is the old gray one. We have had her since I was like 8 or 9 years old...I don't even know. (she was a stray) All I know is she is OOOOLLLLDDD!!!! :) She was an outside only cat forever and you couldn't touch her, but all of a sudden one day she walked in the house (you still couldn't touch her). Now....she can't get enough love and attention! She's a sweety!

Then there's Tabby....the dark orange (outside) cat. He came to us about a year ago as a stray and is the most laid back, gentle, loving, BIG, cat we've ever had. Notice...he's in pictures with doggie :) They were BEST BUDS!!!! They even slept in Chip's dog house together. My Chippie....he was my baby!!! It started out a little rough around here with Chip (haha), but we all grew to love him so much! I got Chip when I was 12 years old. He was suppose to be an inside dog, but that only lasted about a year....after he destroyed our carpet and brand new doors! He was always in trouble, so we decided he HAD to go outside!!! had a very large pen built. Well...we soon realized that Chip LOVED to dig and HATED to be outside away from all of us! So...we put a stake in the ground in the middle of his pen and connected a tether to it and he could reach all around the pen, but couldn't dig we thought! The first night it stormed...reallllly bad!!! (Did I mention...Chip HATES storms!!!) Next thing you know, Chip had managed to pull the stake out of the ground, dig under the fence, and was barking/scratching at one of the back doors. We didn't know what we were going to do!!! Well...after a while, we finally "rigged" something up, and Chip fell in love with the outdoors! :) He never liked storms...we had to give him Benadryl...haha! But...he LOVED the snow!!! (have some pics below) Chip was my sweet baby, my Chippie, Chip-A-Roonie, the Chipster! He always greeted us with a bark, a wagging tail, and so much excitement! He loved his home. His face was very expressive. All you had to do was look at his eyes and know what he was feeling. :) We had to put Chip down back in January...he would have been 13 this April. He lived a long happy life. I miss him every day, but am so happy to have had him those 12 years, and wouldn't trade it for anything!
I LOVE YOU CHIPPIE!!! on to Cecil aka Cecil the Weasel!!! 3 words...HE IS CRAZY!!! hahahaha :) We found him at the church in a flower bed about 1 1/2 years ago. Dad brought him, naturally I'm thinking we are keeping him. I get home and dad says...we'll try to find him a good home. I'm like excuse me???? So...needless to say...he's still here! He is always into EVERYTHING!!! He climbs and jumps on everything....Christmas was crazy, the tree looked horrible after he got through with it!!! (no joke!!!) But....I love him! :) Not sure about everyone else...but I do! It's's kinda like Chip....started out rough, but I'm sure everyone will grow to love him. I plan on having him around for a long time! that's all about my animals!!! Sorry, if this bored you...but I love them...they are my babies!!! :) So...enjoy the pics!

Chip & Tabby...BEST BUDS!!!

Me & Chip playing in the snow...

Mama Cat & Cecil

The Chipster :)

Tabby...I love this pic!

Mama & Cecil

Cecil....his first day at the Brown's

I told you...HE'S CRAZY!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here we go!

My nephew...Noah :)

Teen Camp (below)

Kids Camp (below)

Well...I am now entering the "blogging" world!!! aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!
I'll just start by telling you a little about myself. I am the Youth Pastor at my church. I've been doing that for....going on 5 years. It has been the BEST thing for me! I love those teenagers...yes, I said I love teenagers!!! haha know all the activities that you loved doing in youth group? I'm an adult and I still get to go on the youth trips! How could it get better than that??? Right now is a very busy time for the youth group....we have the Girls Sleepover, Boys Video Game Tournament, Young Christians' Weekend @ Silver Dollar City, Prayer nights once a month followed by some kind of activity, and the best event of the year....CAMP!!!!!! We have been doing our own camp for 3 years now, this year will be our 4th. We do Kids (1st-6th grade) at the 1st of the week, and teens the 2nd part of the week. It is soooooo much fun and relaxing!!! Yes...I said camp was relaxing!!! It is on an "group campground" with old wooden or stone cabins, a "mess" hall, old tabernacle with wooden pews, softball field, volleyball, hiking, swimming (lake/pool), canoeing, kayaking, paddle boating, etc. I love it! I could live out there! Oh, and one of the best things is....NO CELL PHONE SERVICE!!! So peaceful! Ok, ok...enough about camp. I also work at an Animal Hospital. Let's just say...there is never a dull moment! I never know what I'm going to see when I go to work each day. It's a great atmosphere and I love the people I work with. I've been there about a year can't believe it's been that long.

Well...a little bit about my family. THEY ARE THE BEST!!! My mom and dad are the best parents anyone could ever ask for!!! I have wonderful siblings: one sister and 2 brothers. And one sister-in-law. Oh...and did I mention my nephew, Noah!!! He's a sweety!!! I love him sooooo much!!! And oh no...he's not spoiled at all! (yeah right!)

Well...I guess that's a little bit about myself. I've posted some random pics from "my world."